Sunday, April 6, 2008

Interview with Dave Dunwoody

CA: Thanks Dave for sharing a little bit of you with me and the readers! I love reading a good horror story every once in a while. The last one gave me nightmares so I guess he did his job, I need to get myself in gear and get one of your books to read!

Author Pen Name: Dave Dunwoody

CA: What genre(s) do you write? Why do you write the stories that you write?

DD: I write horror, but it often branches out into other genres such as dark fantasy, sci-fi, even comedy. Satire is a common element in my work. Horror is always at the core of my storytelling, but it can go anywhere from there.

CA: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

DD: When I was a little kid. I don’t know what it was, but I was just moved to tell stories. Not just to tell them, but to write them down and collect them. Horde them. I wrote a lot of silly adventure stuff and then, around the age of eight or nine, discovered horror and never looked back.

CA: Who or what was your inspiration for writing?

DD: I can’t say, exactly. It’s my imagination I guess, daydreams and nightmares. The mind just will not stop kicking out crazy ideas. I love observing other people and the way they relate. I love classic monsters and campfire tales. Then my brain will take all that and twist it together, like a deranged clown at a kid’s party, and spit out some half-deflated balloon animal you ain’t never seen before.

CA: What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

DD: I try to schedule blocks of time for writing, for the sake of my family, but I always find myself making notes on Post-Its and things like that. Once I get started on a project it consumes me. I can play the 9-to-5 game somewhat, but you will find me typing away at 2 AM in my underwear, and I’ll have never been happier.

CA: LOL you have to be comfortable when you write ;O)

CA: Your book is about to be sent into the reader world, what is one word that describes how you feel?

DD: Hopeful. Hoping that I give some people a few restless nights and weird thoughts and that I satisfy their desire to be creeped out.

CA: What was your biggest challenge in writing your book(s)?

DD: Starting. I’ll outline, research, schedule, procrastinate, procrastinate, procrastinate…sometimes I’m afraid to start because I know once I’m in, nothing can tear me away.

CA: What do you like to do when you're not writing?

DD: Read. Reading and socializing pretty much make up my interests.

CA: How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

DD: My first novel, Empire, comes out this April, so it’s my #1. Really though, I like the novella I wrote for Permuted Press’ The Undead: Headshot Quartet a lot. It’s a retelling of the first story I ever wrote, way back at nine years old. Plus, that story is actually set in the Empire universe!

CA: Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?

DD: Mostly imagination…which is to say, mostly me. I see a lot of myself in my characters. Different personality aspects are exaggerated, sometimes to horrific extremes. I guess I also create caricatures of public figures whom I admire/dislike. You’ll recognize some of those in Empire.

CA: Do you have any advice for the aspiring writers out there?

Start putting yourself out there now. You can find paying markets through and, but if you love writing and sharing your stories, sign up at a free site like Blogger and just start sharing. MySpace, LJ. Don’t wait for someone to find you. Don’t hold out for paying markets. Put your talent on the table and let people see it! Some will notice and some of them just might be able to give you a hand up to the next level.

CA: How can a reader contact you or purchase your books?

DD: Just visit and you can e-mail me, order the book, and even read some of it if you like. I originally serialized this novel online, and it’s still there in that format. The print version is 20% bigger and has a lot more to it – details about that are at the site, too.

CA: Is there anything you would like to add?

DD: Visit the forums at Writers and editors from various levels hang out there. I have a lil’ forum there where you can find some more free fiction and wicked wallpapers and stuff like that. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your views, Dave. As a fellow author I can relate to getting wrapped up in the writing process. My wife is a horror reader (Stephen King, Dean Koontz), although I must admit I'm a huge fan of James Herbert and his Rat's trilogy. Your book sounds cool. I'm glad zombies have made a comeback in all medias!

Anonymous said...

Morning Dave! Would you like to post an exerpt from your book Empire?
Alan- I agree..zombies kind of disappeared for a while..but I too am happy they're coming back! Thanks for posting sweetie!

Anonymous said...

I agree with what Crystal said,a big part of writing is being comfortable. Do you have any strange quirks you have to do before writing?

Brenna O said...

Sir Dave Dunwoody is HAWT in his undies. All the more reason to buy his book! :D

Unknown said...

think i dated a few zombies LOL

C. L. Freire said...

I love these interviews. it's such a fascinating glimpse into the mind of other authors. I personally love horror, so this one was right up my alley. And I could completely relate to him, in how he has loved writing since he was a child. I too have never wanted anything more.

Another great interview!

C. L. Freire

Anonymous said...

Sweeeeet interview, Dave! Personally having the last name Wood, naturally, I was drawn to Dunwoody =) Your writing schedule is much like mine, underwear and all hahahah... best of luck with everything and come check out our work sometime:

Anonymous said...

A great interview. Dave sounds multi talented. Keep up the great work. Blessings CJ

Anonymous said...

Dave, your book sounds very interesting, and as a fellow author, I admire your structure lol.

Good luck on getting your book "out there" and thank you for a great interview!!

MJ Allaire, YA Fantasy Author

StevenGilby said...

i've seen that picture before! i watch the person on deviantART who did it lol i've also seen the other two book covers she did(pretty sure they were for you too lol =P)
the colored one looks nice, but for a book cover, i'd prefer the black and white one. gives it that old school horror look, ya know lol thats just preference though
i've wondered how horror is really written. i want to be a horror writer, but i'm not too good at it lol they always end up action-adventure-drama with violence thrown in for some flare lol

i'll be keeping you in mind. do you have a myspace Mr. Dunwoody(or would you prefer just Dave?)

StevenGilby said...

oops. my bad. i think that artist might be a he lol
let me check....*checking*....yup. my mistake. sorry about that.

Dave Dunwoody said...

Thanks for all the comments & support!


Excerpts from Empire (in fact, the entire online version) can be read at

I do try to look sexy in my undies. Hardest part of a writer's job. Biggest quirk too.
